With no possibility of a fibre broadband install, our client was “tearing his hair out” with his broadband speeds – we utilised a hybrid Starlink install, for a vastly improved connection. This Starlink Install in Kent was the perfect solution to the problem
The Problem
Our client is a businessman and family man who needs a reliable and fast broadband connection to his home. With the existing BT connection, he was receiving average download speeds of 6Mb/s and average upload speeds of 1.2 Mb/s. Being in a rural area with poor mobile signal, and with no prospect of a fibre install to this property, our client was at the end of his tether. We have worked for this client for many years and so he called us for help.
The client is a businessman who works from his rural home. He consequently requires a secure, reliable and fast connection. Since his business involves conducting web meetings with individuals abroad, he needs to have a service that can support this reliably, by day and night. With the poor existing connection, the client had had enough of meetings dropping out and being unable to download important documents.
In addition to the business needs of the client, he has a teenage family, who have their own high demands on the service, with gaming, streaming and video calls. The existing service was so poor that, at times, it wasn’t possible to download a song. Movie downloads would also take hours and online gaming was simply out!

The Solution – Hybrid Starlink Install
Since it would not be practicable or possible to improve the infrastructure with fibre cable, we had to consider wireless connections. However, the home is in a very beautiful but rural part of Kent, where the mobile signal is poor. For this reason, we felt that the best solution would be a hybrid Starlink/BT system. A Starlink install would provide a vastly improved connection for the most part, and the existing BT connection would provide a fail-safe.
Starlink advised that during their beta phase, for this area they would be able to provide speeds between 50Mb/s and 150Mb/s and latency from 20ms to 40ms. There would also be, they said, the possibility of brief periods of no connectivity. However, as they continue to launch more satellites, install more ground stations and improve the networking software, they said that data speeds, latency and uptime would improve dramatically.
Using advanced satellites in a low orbit, Starlink enables video calls, online gaming, streaming, and other high data rate activities that historically have not been possible with satellite internet. Users can expect to see download speeds between 100 Mb/s and 200 Mb/s and latency as low as 20ms in most locations.
Information on Starlink Install, from Starlink Website

In Conclusion
By configuring the two connections to work together, we have been able to provide a vastly improved connection. The outcome of the work is that our client is thrilled with this new hybrid system. His business meetings now happen without a hitch. The family are also able to stream movies, game and video call simultaneously. All of this would have been impossible before.
We are pleased that we could provide such a gain. With the hybrid system, the client can be reassured that he will be getting the very best service possible. Indeed, the Starlink install, with the BT backup, provides a much faster and more usable connection. As a result, the client and his family are thrilled with the improvements to their lifestyle.

Our hybrid Starlink systems start from £2,000.00, which includes the equipment, installation and commissioning. This is a bespoke hybrid solution.
Further Reading
For further reading, please see our article about home studio content creation spaces, or perhaps our article about finding a home cinema installer. Here is one of our projects: a fabulous demo room for speaker manufacturer PMC. Conversely, for a technical article, here is our post about dialogue and speech intelligibility.

Our hybrid Starlink systems start from £2,000.00, which includes the equipment, installation and commissioning. This is a bespoke hybrid solution.